Project 1: DIY Stamp Sets
This term we made our own stamp sets! The theme was nature, so plants, flowers, sea creatures and animals featured frequently in students' sets. To make the stamps, we started by designing the shapes, and then drawing the designs on to thin foam sheets. Then the shapes were cut out and glued on to wooden blocks. When the glue dried, we had loads of fun using the stamps to make pictures or decorate gift bags and cards.
Project 2: Acrylic Painting
For this painting project students were asked to consider an issue related to environmental crisis. It's a heavy topic which resulted in a number of paintings that aren't too cheerful! However, I wanted to use this project as an opportunity to show how art has an important role in addressing issues in politics and the environment, and is a means of promoting awareness, discussion and change. Students addressed themes such as endangered animal species, deforestation, pollution in the ocean and the effects of climate change.